The essential meaning of Hiroko Watanabe's exhibition in France.

What does it mean to have an exhibition in France? That's because I think France is the country where you can best understand the beauty of Japanese culture, which combines strength and delicacy.

The theme of 渡部裕子 Hiroko Watanabe's exhibition in Paris, France, in November 2024 is “the universe…Circle, Triangle, Square". All of her works will contain some of these elements. In discussing this theme, we cannot help but mention the works of 仙厓義梵 Sengai Gibon (1750-1837), a Zen monk who existed during the Edo period. First of all, in the Zen language of “circle, triangle, and square,” the circle is the circular phase. It is the absolute truth or state of being that never lacks, and refers to everything that exists in the universe. The triangle is the form in which we sit in 座禅zazen (the form in which we wish to become closer to the Buddha), and the square is the form in which we are foolishly caught up in something such as common sense. However, the environment surrounding us is completely different now from the time when Gihon Sengai's works were painted, and all the time we need to think about these three elements has been taken up by “information” that we don't need. It seems as if all the value of our time has been taken up by useless information, much of which is unnecessary.



The time we spend thinking about things we don't need is the same as the time we spend dying. Now, in 2024, unlike the time when Gibon Sengai was drawing, special ink and calligraphy paper manufacturing techniques have improved, and even the same subject matter can be expressed in a way that brings out even more emotion, Even the same subject matter can now be expressed in a way that brings out even more emotional feelings. Unlike the traditional calligraphy works, which are simply transcriptions of multiple sentences, the “circle, triangle, square” and “one-character calligraphy” (calligraphy using only one Chinese character) (the origins of which date back to 井上有一 Yuichi Inoue 1916-1985, a pioneer of one-character calligraphy who began creating avant-garde calligraphy in reaction to the conservative calligraphy world) are beautifully fused together. Her works, which are a beautiful fusion of the two, can be said to be a catalyst for us to step away from our everyday selves and reconsider the reason for our existence.






Works to be exhibited in Paris2024

We are posting some of the contemporary calligraphy works scheduled to be exhibited in Paris in 2024.


山 mountain



Special  Japanese paper print 

panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 

生 alive



Special  Japanese paper print 

panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、japanese mika(UNMO)

桜 Sakura



panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、gold japanese ink

鳥 bird



Special  Japanese paper print 

panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、japanese mika(UNMO)

春 spring



panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、gold japanese ink、mineral japanese ink

響 echo



Special  Japanese paper(Mino washi)

panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、japanese mika(UNMO)、mineral ink

文字蝶々 butterfly word



panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、gold japanese ink、mineral japanese ink

風風風 breeze



Special  Japanese paper(Mino washi)

panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、japanese mika(UNMO)、gold leaf、mineral ink

無題 No title



panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、gold japanese ink、mineral japanese ink

無題 No title




panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、gold japanese ink、mineral japanese ink

瞬 moment



panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、gold japanese ink

風 breeze




panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、gold japanese ink

刻 time



panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、gold japanese ink、mineral japanese ink、mika

風 wind




panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、gold japanese ink

月(連作) moon series



panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、gold japanese ink、mineral japanese ink

瞬 moment




panese handmade ink(SUZUKAsumi) 、gold japanese ink、mineral japanese ink、mica

Partial excerpt

Information on past solo exhibitions, etc.

Until now, I have held solo exhibitions at galleries in Japan and abroad, and exhibited my works at art salons. Japan, New York, France, Australia, Greece, etc. Please take a look at the atmosphere that decorates the works.